Source: math/Geometry.js

 * jslint browser: true

 * Creates new geometry with default values
 * @class
 * @constructor
Ayce.Geometry = function () {
    this.position = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    this.rotation = new Ayce.Quaternion();
    this.scale = new Ayce.Vector3(1, 1, 1);
    this.offset = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Ayce.Geometry.prototype = {};

 * Creates box as new Ayce.Object3D
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {Number} a
 * @param {Number} b
 * @param {Number} c
Ayce.Geometry.Box = function (a, b, c) {;

    this.a = a || 0;
    this.b = b || 0;
    this.c = c || 0;

Ayce.Geometry.Box.prototype = new Ayce.Geometry();
 * Returns box geometry as Ayce.Object3D
 * @param {Boolean} asWireframe
 * @return {Ayce.Object3D} o3D
Ayce.Geometry.Box.prototype.getO3D = function (asWireframe) {

    var o3D = new Ayce.Object3D();
    var o = this.offset;
    var a = this.a;
    var b = this.b;
    var c = this.c;

    o3D.vertices = [];
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + 0, o.y + 0, o.z + 0);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + a, o.y + 0, o.z + 0);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + 0, o.y + b, o.z + 0);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + a, o.y + b, o.z + 0);

    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + 0, o.y + 0, o.z + c);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + a, o.y + 0, o.z + c);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + 0, o.y + b, o.z + c);
    o3D.vertices.push(o.x + a, o.y + b, o.z + c);

    o3D.normals = [];
    o3D.normals.push(-1, -1, -1);
    o3D.normals.push( 1, -1, -1);
    o3D.normals.push(-1,  1, -1);
    o3D.normals.push( 1,  1, -1);

    o3D.normals.push(-1, -1, 1);
    o3D.normals.push( 1, -1, 1);
    o3D.normals.push(-1,  1, 1);
    o3D.normals.push( 1,  1, 1);

    o3D.indices = [];
    if (asWireframe) {
        o3D.indices.push(0, 1);
        o3D.indices.push(5, 1);
        o3D.indices.push(4, 0);
        o3D.indices.push(4, 5);

        o3D.indices.push(2, 6);
        o3D.indices.push(6, 7);
        o3D.indices.push(7, 3);
        o3D.indices.push(3, 2);

        o3D.indices.push(0, 2);
        o3D.indices.push(4, 6);
        o3D.indices.push(5, 7);
        o3D.indices.push(3, 1);

        o3D.isWireframe = true;
    } else {
        o3D.indices.push(2, 1, 0);
        o3D.indices.push(2, 3, 1);
        o3D.indices.push(7, 4, 5);
        o3D.indices.push(7, 6, 4);
        o3D.indices.push(6, 0, 4);
        o3D.indices.push(6, 2, 0);
        o3D.indices.push(3, 5, 1);
        o3D.indices.push(3, 7, 5);
        o3D.indices.push(0, 5, 4);
        o3D.indices.push(0, 1, 5);
        o3D.indices.push(6, 3, 2);
        o3D.indices.push(6, 7, 3);

    o3D.position = this.position;
    o3D.rotation = this.rotation;
    o3D.scale = this.scale;

    return o3D;
 * Returns true if specified point is within geometry
 * @param {Ayce.Vector3} vector3
 * @return b1
Ayce.Geometry.Box.prototype.containsPoint = function (vector3) {

    var scope = this;

    var calcCorner = function (offset) {
        var p = scope.position.copy().addVector3(offset).addVector3(scope.offset);
        p.multiply(scope.scale.x, scope.scale.y, scope.scale.z);
        p = scope.rotation.getRotatedPoint(p);
        return p;

    var pointPlane = function (s, a, b, p) {
        a = a.copy().subtract(s.x, s.y, s.z);
        b = b.copy().subtract(s.x, s.y, s.z);
        var normal = a.copy().crossProduct(b).normalize();
        var x = p.copy().subtract(s.x, s.y, s.z);
        var cross = normal.dotProduct(x);
        return cross;

    var t1 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
    //    var t2 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(this.a, 0, 0));
    var t3 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(0, this.b, 0));
    var t4 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(this.a, this.b, 0));

    var b1 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, this.c));
    var b2 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(this.a, 0, this.c));
    var b3 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(0, this.b, this.c));
    var b4 = calcCorner(new Ayce.Vector3(this.a, this.b, this.c));

    var top = pointPlane(b3, t3, b4, vector3);
    var bottom = pointPlane(b1, b2, t1, vector3);
    var left = pointPlane(b3, b1, t1, vector3);
    var right = pointPlane(b4, t4, b2, vector3);
    var front = pointPlane(b3, b4, b1, vector3);
    var back = pointPlane(t3, t1, t4, vector3);

    //    console.log(top, bottom, left, right, front, back);

    var b1 = (top > 0 && bottom > 0 && left > 0 && right > 0 && front > 0 && back > 0);
    return b1;

 * Creates sphere geometry as Ayce.Object3D
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {Number} r
Ayce.Geometry.Sphere = function (r) {;

    this.r = r || 0;
Ayce.Geometry.Sphere.prototype = new Ayce.Geometry();
 * Returns sphere geometry as Ayce.Object3D
 * @param {Boolean} asWireframe
 * @param {Number} segments
 * @param {Number} rings
 * @return {Ayce.Object3D} o3D
Ayce.Geometry.Sphere.prototype.getO3D = function (asWireframe, segments, rings) {
    this.scale = null;
    var longitudeBands = segments || 10;
    var latitudeBands = rings || 10;
    var radius = this.r;

    var latNumber;
    var longNumber;

    var o = this.offset;

    var o3D = new Ayce.Object3D();
    o3D.vertices = [];
    o3D.normals = [];
    o3D.textureCoords = [];

    for (latNumber = 0; latNumber <= latitudeBands; latNumber++) {
        var theta = latNumber * Math.PI / latitudeBands;
        var sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
        var cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);

        for (longNumber = 0; longNumber <= longitudeBands; longNumber++) {
            var phi = longNumber * 2 * Math.PI / longitudeBands;
            var sinPhi = Math.sin(phi);
            var cosPhi = Math.cos(phi);

            var x = cosPhi * sinTheta;
            var y = cosTheta;
            var z = sinPhi * sinTheta;
            var u = 1 - (longNumber / longitudeBands);
            var v = 1 - (latNumber / latitudeBands);

            o3D.normals.push(x, y, z);
            o3D.textureCoords.push(u, v);
            o3D.vertices.push(radius * x + o.x, radius * y + o.y, radius * z + o.z);

    if (asWireframe) {
        o3D.isWireframe = true;

    o3D.indices = [];
    for (latNumber = 0; latNumber < latitudeBands; latNumber++) {
        for (longNumber = 0; longNumber < longitudeBands; longNumber++) {
            var first = (latNumber * (longitudeBands + 1)) + longNumber;
            var second = first + longitudeBands + 1;
            if (!asWireframe) {
                o3D.indices.push(first + 1, second, first);
                o3D.indices.push(first + 1, second + 1, second);
            } else {
                o3D.indices.push(second + 1, second);
                o3D.indices.push(second, first);
                o3D.indices.push(first + 1, first);
                o3D.indices.push(first + 1, second + 1);

    o3D.position = this.position;
    o3D.rotation = this.rotation;
    //    o3D.scale = this.scale;

    return o3D;


 * Creates grid of vertices as new Ayce.Object3D. If splitSquares is true triangles are created as faces without sharing vertices.
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {Number} a
 * @param {Number} b
 * @param {Number} xSubdivisions
 * @param {Number} ySubdivisions
 * @param {Boolean} splitSquares
Ayce.Geometry.Plane = function (a, b, xSubdivisions, ySubdivisions, splitSquares) {;

    this.a = a || 0;
    this.b = b || 0;
    this.xVertices = xSubdivisions || 2;
    this.yVertices = ySubdivisions || 2;
    this.splitSquares = splitSquares;

Ayce.Geometry.Plane.prototype = new Ayce.Geometry();
 * Returns plane geometry as Ayce.Object3D
 * @return {Ayce.Object3D} o3D
Ayce.Geometry.Plane.prototype.getO3D = function () {

    var o3D = new Ayce.Object3D();
    var o = this.offset;
    var a = this.a;
    var b = this.b;
    var xVert = this.xVertices;
    var yVert = this.yVertices;

    o3D.vertices = [];

    var xDist = a/xVert;
    var yDist = b/yVert;

    var x, y;

    if(!this.splitSquares) {
        for (y = 0; y < this.yVertices; y++) {
            for (x = 0; x < this.xVertices; x++) {
                o3D.vertices.push(o.x + x * xDist, o.y + y * yDist, o.z);

        o3D.normals = [];
        for (i = 0; i < xVert * yVert; i++) {
            o3D.normals.push(0, 0, 1);

        o3D.indices = [];

        for (i = 0; i < xVert * (yVert - 1); i++) {
            if ((i + 1) % xVert != 0) {
                o3D.indices.push(                       // square
                    i + 1, i + xVert, i,                // 1st triangle
                    i + xVert + 1, i + xVert, i + 1);   // 2nd triangle
        for (y = 0; y < this.yVertices - 1; y++) {
            for (x = 0; x < this.xVertices - 1; x++) {
                    // first triangle
                    o.x + x * xDist, o.y + y * yDist, o.z,                  // origin
                    o.x + x * xDist + xDist, o.y + y * yDist, o.z,          // right of origin
                    o.x + x * xDist, o.y + y * yDist + yDist, o.z,          // top of origin
                    // second triangle
                    o.x + x * xDist + xDist, o.y + y * yDist, o.z,          // right of origin
                    o.x + x * xDist + xDist, o.y + y * yDist + yDist, o.z,  // top right of origin
                    o.x + x * xDist, o.y + y * yDist + yDist, o.z           // top of origin

        o3D.normals = [];
        o3D.indices = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < o3D.vertices.length / 3; i++) {
            o3D.normals.push(0, 0, 1);
    o3D.position = this.position;
    o3D.rotation = this.rotation;
    o3D.scale = this.scale;

    return o3D;

 * Creates icosahedron with given number of subdivisions
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {Number} subdivisions
Ayce.Geometry.Icosahedron = function (subdivisions) {
    this.subdivisions = subdivisions;;
Ayce.Geometry.Icosahedron.prototype = new Ayce.Geometry();
 * Returns icosahedron geometry as Ayce.Object3D
 * @return {Ayce.Object3D} o3D
Ayce.Geometry.Icosahedron.prototype.getO3D = function () {

    var o3D = new Ayce.Object3D();

    var golden = new Ayce.Vector2(0.5, ((1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2) - ((1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2) / 2);

    var a = new Ayce.Vector2(
        -golden.x,  // left top
        golden.y); // -0.5, 0.9
    var b = new Ayce.Vector2(
        golden.x,   // right top
        golden.y);  // 0.5, 0.9
    var c = new Ayce.Vector2(
        -golden.x,   // left bottom
        -golden.y);  // -0.5, -0.9
    var d = new Ayce.Vector2(
        golden.x,   // right bottom
        -golden.y);  // 0.5, -0.9

    var unsortedVertices = [];

        a.x,    a.y,    0,  // 0 top left
        b.x,    b.y,    0,  // 1 top right
        c.x,    c.y,    0,  // 2 bottom left
        d.x,    d.y,    0,  // 3 bottom right

        0,      a.x,    a.y,// 4 near bottom
        0,      b.x,    b.y,// 5 near top
        0,      c.x,    c.y,// 6 far bottom
        0,      d.x,    d.y,// 7 far top

        a.y,    0,      a.x,// 8 far right
        b.y,    0,      b.x,// 9 near right
        c.y,    0,      c.x,// 10 far left
        d.y,    0,      d.x // 11 near left

    o3D.vertices = [
        unsortedVertices[0], unsortedVertices[1], unsortedVertices[2],
        unsortedVertices[5 * 3], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[1 * 3], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[0], unsortedVertices[1], unsortedVertices[2],
        unsortedVertices[1 * 3], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[7 * 3], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[0], unsortedVertices[1], unsortedVertices[2],
        unsortedVertices[10 * 3], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[11 * 3], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[0], unsortedVertices[1], unsortedVertices[2],
        unsortedVertices[7 * 3], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[10 * 3], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[0], unsortedVertices[1], unsortedVertices[2],
        unsortedVertices[11 * 3], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[5 * 3], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[1 * 3], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[9 * 3], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[8 * 3], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[1 * 3], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[8 * 3], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[7 * 3], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[1 * 3], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[1 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[5 * 3], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[9 * 3], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[4 * 3], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[9 * 3], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[5 * 3], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[4 * 3], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[3 * 3], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[9 * 3], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[4 * 3], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[5 * 3], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[5 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[11 * 3], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[2 * 3], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[11 * 3], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[10 * 3], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[2 * 3], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[4 * 3], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[11 * 3], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[11 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[2 * 3], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[3 * 3], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[4 * 3], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[4 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[3 * 3], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[8 * 3], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[9 * 3], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[9 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[6 * 3], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[2 * 3], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[10 * 3], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[6 * 3], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[3 * 3], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[2 * 3], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[2 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[6 * 3], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[8 * 3], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[3 * 3], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[3 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[6 * 3], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[7 * 3], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[8 * 3], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[8 * 3 + 2],

        unsortedVertices[6 * 3], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[6 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[10 * 3], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[10 * 3 + 2],
        unsortedVertices[7 * 3], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 1], unsortedVertices[7 * 3 + 2],

    var radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(golden.x, 2) + Math.pow(golden.y, 2));

    var unprocessedFaces = [o3D.vertices];
    var recursions = this.subdivisions - 1;
    a = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    b = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    c = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    var ab = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    var bc = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    var ac = new Ayce.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    var dist;

    for(var i = 1; i < recursions + 1; i++){
        unprocessedFaces[i] = [];

    for(i = 0; i < unprocessedFaces.length - 1; i++){  // iterate through rounds
        for(var j = 0; j < unprocessedFaces[i].length; j+=9){   //iterate through faces
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 1],
                a.z = unprocessedFaces[i][j + 2]
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 3],
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 4],
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 5]
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 6],
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 7],
                unprocessedFaces[i][j + 8]
                (a.x + b.x) / 2,
                (a.y + b.y) / 2,
                (a.z + b.z) / 2
            dist = radius / Math.sqrt(ab.x * ab.x + ab.y * ab.y + ab.z * ab.z); // distance between vertex and center (same for all vertices)

                (b.x + c.x) / 2 * dist,
                (b.y + c.y) / 2 * dist,
                (b.z + c.z) / 2 * dist

                (a.x + c.x) / 2 * dist,
                (a.y + c.y) / 2 * dist,
                (a.z + c.z) / 2 * dist

            unprocessedFaces[i + 1].push(
                a.x, a.y, a.z, ab.x, ab.y, ab.z, ac.x, ac.y, ac.z,
                b.x, b.y, b.z, bc.x, bc.y, bc.z, ab.x, ab.y, ab.z,
                c.x, c.y, c.z, ac.x, ac.y, ac.z, bc.x, bc.y, bc.z,
                ab.x, ab.y, ab.z, bc.x, bc.y, bc.z, ac.x, ac.y, ac.z

            if(j == unprocessedFaces[i].length-1){

    o3D.vertices = unprocessedFaces[unprocessedFaces.length - 1];

    o3D.indices = [];
    for(i = 0; i < o3D.vertices.length / 3; i++){

    var normal;

    o3D.normals = [];
    for(i = 0; i<o3D.vertices.length; i+=9){
        a.set(o3D.vertices[i], o3D.vertices[i + 1], o3D.vertices[i + 2]);
        b.set(o3D.vertices[i + 3], o3D.vertices[i + 4], o3D.vertices[i + 5]);
        c.set(o3D.vertices[i + 6], o3D.vertices[i + 7], o3D.vertices[i + 8]);
        ab = b.subtract(a.x, a.y, a.z);
        ac = c.subtract(a.x, a.y, a.z);
        normal = ab.crossProduct(ac);
        o3D.normals.push(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);

    o3D.position = this.position;
    o3D.rotation = this.rotation;
    o3D.scale = this.scale;

    return o3D;

Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath = {};
Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool ={
    corners1: [
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3()
    corners2: [
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3()
    normals: [
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3(),
        new Ayce.Vector3()
    edgeNormalV1:  new Ayce.Vector3(),
    edgeNormalV2:  new Ayce.Vector3()
 * TODO: Description
 * @param {} outputVector
 * @param {} boxGeo
 * @param {} addA
 * @param {} addB
 * @param {} addC
Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcCorner = function (outputVector,boxGeo, addA, addB, addC) {
    outputVector.x = addA ? boxGeo.a : 0;
    outputVector.y = addB ? boxGeo.b : 0;
    outputVector.z = addC ? boxGeo.c : 0;

    outputVector.multiply(boxGeo.scale.x, boxGeo.scale.y, boxGeo.scale.z);
 * Description
 * @param {} outputVector
 * @param {} s
 * @param {} u
 * @param {} v
Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcNormal = function (outputVector, s, u, v) {
    var x1 = u.x-s.x,
        y1 = u.y-s.y,
        z1 = u.z-s.z,
        x2 = v.x-s.x,
        y2 = v.y-s.y,
        z2 = v.z-s.z;

    outputVector.x = y1*z2 - z1*y2;
    outputVector.y = z1*x2 - x1*z2;
    outputVector.z = x1*y2 - y1*x2;
 * TODO: Description
 * @param {} v
 * @param {} c1
 * @param {} c2
 * @param {} sP
Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.getEdgeNormal = function (v, c1, c2, sP) {
    var v1 = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.edgeNormalV1;
    v1.x = c2.x-c1.x;
    v1.y = c2.y-c1.y;
    v1.z = c2.z-c1.z;

    var dP = v1.x*(sP.x-c1.x) + v1.y*(sP.y-c1.y) + v1.z*(sP.z-c1.z);
    v.x = v1.x * dP + c1.x - sP.x;
    v.y = v1.y * dP + c1.y - sP.y;
    v.z = v1.z * dP + c1.z - sP.z;

 * TODO: Description
 * @param {} box1
 * @param {} box2
 * @return mtd
Ayce.Geometry.prototype.boxBoxCollision = function (box1, box2) {
    var calcCorner = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcCorner;
    var calcNormal = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcNormal;

    var corners1 = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.corners1;
    calcCorner(corners1[0], box1, false, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[1], box1, true, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[2], box1, false, true, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[3], box1, true, true, false);

    calcCorner(corners1[4], box1, false, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[5], box1, true, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[6], box1, false, true, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[7], box1, true, true, true);

    var corners2 = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.corners2;
    calcCorner(corners2[0], box2, false, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners2[1], box2, true, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners2[2], box2, false, true, false);
    calcCorner(corners2[3], box2, true, true, false);

    calcCorner(corners2[4], box2, false, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners2[5], box2, true, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners2[6], box2, false, true, true);
    calcCorner(corners2[7], box2, true, true, true);

    var normals = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.normals;
    var normalsCount = 6;
    calcNormal(normals[0], corners1[0], corners1[1], corners1[2]);
    calcNormal(normals[1], corners1[0], corners1[4], corners1[2]);
    calcNormal(normals[2], corners1[0], corners1[1], corners1[4]);

    calcNormal(normals[3], corners2[0], corners2[1], corners2[2]);
    calcNormal(normals[4], corners2[0], corners2[4], corners2[2]);
    calcNormal(normals[5], corners2[0], corners2[1], corners2[4]);

    var i;
    var j;
    var mtd = null; //Minimum Translation Distance

    for (i = 0; i < normalsCount; i++) {
        var normal = normals[i];
        if (normal.x === 0 && normal.y === 0 && normal.z === 0) continue;

        var min1 = null;
        var max1 = null;
        for (j = 0; j < corners1.length; j++) {
            var c = normal.dotProduct(corners1[j]);
            if (min1 === null || c < min1) min1 = c;
            if (max1 === null || c > max1) max1 = c;

        var min2 = null;
        var max2 = null;
        for (j = 0; j < corners2.length; j++) {
            var c = normal.dotProduct(corners2[j]);
            if (min2 === null || c < min2) min2 = c;
            if (max2 === null || c > max2) max2 = c;

        if (max1 < min2 || min1 > max2) return null;

        //Collision Distance
        var distance = max1 - min2;
        if (Math.abs(max2 - min1) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = max2 - min1;
        if (Math.abs(min1 - max2) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = min1 - max2;
        if (Math.abs(min2 - max1) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = min2 - max1;
        if (min1 > min2) distance = -distance;
        var mtdNew = normal.copy().scaleBy(distance);

        if ((mtd === null || mtd.getLength() > mtdNew.getLength())) {
            mtd = mtdNew;
            mtd.normal = normal;
            mtd.distance = distance;
    return mtd;
 * TODO: Description
 * @param {} box
 * @param {} sphere
 * @param {} invert
 * @return mtd
Ayce.Geometry.prototype.boxSphereCollision = function (box, sphere, invert) {
    if(box.a === 0 || box.b === 0 || box.c === 0)invert = true;//TODO fix...

    var calcCorner = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcCorner;
    var calcNormal = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.calcNormal;
    var getEdgeNormal = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.getEdgeNormal;

    var corners1 = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.corners1;
    calcCorner(corners1[0], box, false, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[1], box, true, false, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[2], box, false, true, false);
    calcCorner(corners1[3], box, true, true, false);

    calcCorner(corners1[4], box, false, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[5], box, true, false, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[6], box, false, true, true);
    calcCorner(corners1[7], box, true, true, true);

    var sP = sphere.position.copy().addVector3(sphere.offset);

    var normals = Ayce.Geometry.CollisionMath.ObjectPool.normals;
    var normalsCount = 15;
    calcNormal(normals[0], corners1[0], corners1[1], corners1[2]);
    calcNormal(normals[1], corners1[0], corners1[2], corners1[4]);
    calcNormal(normals[2], corners1[0], corners1[4], corners1[1]);

    getEdgeNormal(normals[3], corners1[0], corners1[1], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[4], corners1[1], corners1[5], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[5], corners1[4], corners1[5], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[6], corners1[4], corners1[0], sP);

    getEdgeNormal(normals[7], corners1[2], corners1[6], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[8], corners1[7], corners1[6], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[9], corners1[7], corners1[3], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[10], corners1[3], corners1[2], sP);

    getEdgeNormal(normals[11], corners1[0], corners1[2], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[12], corners1[1], corners1[3], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[13], corners1[7], corners1[5], sP);
    getEdgeNormal(normals[14], corners1[6], corners1[4], sP);

    var i;
    var j;
    var mtd = null; //Minimum Translation Distance
    for (i = 0; i < normalsCount; i++) {
        var normal = normals[i];
        if (normal.x === 0 && normal.y === 0 && normal.z === 0) continue;

        var min1 = null;
        var max1 = null;
        for (j = 0; j < corners1.length; j++) {
            var c = normal.dotProduct(corners1[j]);
            if (min1 === null || c < min1) min1 = c;
            if (max1 === null || c > max1) max1 = c;

        var p = normal.dotProduct(sP);
        var min2 = p - sphere.r;
        var max2 = p + sphere.r;

        if (max1 < min2 || min1 > max2){return null;}

        //Collision Distance
        var distance = max1 - min2;
        if (Math.abs(max2 - min1) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = max2 - min1;
        if (Math.abs(min1 - max2) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = min1 - max2;
        if (Math.abs(min2 - max1) < Math.abs(distance)) distance = min2 - max1;

        var mtdNew = normal.copy().scaleBy(distance);
        if ((invert && min1 > min2) || (!invert && min1 < min2)) mtdNew.negate();

        if ((mtd === null || mtd.getLength() > mtdNew.getLength())) {
            mtd = mtdNew;
            mtd.distance = distance;
            mtd.normal = normal;
    return mtd;
 * TODO: Description
 * @param {} sphere1
 * @param {} sphere2
 * @return Literal
Ayce.Geometry.prototype.sphereSphereCollision = function (sphere1, sphere2) {

    var pos1 = sphere1.position.copy().addVector3(sphere1.offset);
    var pos2 = sphere2.position.copy().addVector3(sphere2.offset);

    var distance = pos1.copy().subtract(pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z).getLength();

    if (distance < sphere1.r + sphere2.r) {
        var p = sphere1.position;
        var mtd = sphere2.position.copy().subtract(p.x, p.y, p.z).normalize().scaleBy((sphere1.r + sphere2.r) - distance);
        mtd.distance = distance;
        mtd.normal = mtd;
        return mtd;

    return null;